Mohamed Edris Ahmad Al Senousi Maraf
Full Name: Mohamed Edris Ahmad Al Senousi Maraf
محمد إدريس أحمد السنوسي معرف
Country: Egypt


Mr Mohamed Edris Ahmad Al Senousi Maraf is Deputy Chairman of Delta for Printing and Packaging. Prior to that Mr Maraf was also Deputy Chairman of El Ahram...

Ownership Updates

Date % Ownership Company Sector Country
2015 El Ahram for Printing and Packing Industrials - Transportation & Services Egypt
2011 Delta for Printing and Packaging Materials - Non-Chemicals Egypt


Date Designation Entity Entity Description Country
2015 El Ahram for Printing and Packing Company In Industrials - Transportation & Services Egypt
Delta for Printing and Packaging Company In Materials - Non-Chemicals Egypt
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